Photo of the Kishinev Pogrom of 1903 |
Main source: “Korolenko Describes the Kishinev Pogrom of 1903."
Author’s Note: All of my research on this subject was done on the Internet. I took notes and cut and pasted some passages. For my research notes, see: kishinev.pdf. I then created the scene, which took on a life of its own through numerous re-writes and notes from editors.
Part 1
Chapter One
Snyder, Dr. Louis L. (1976). Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, Völkischer Beobachter (VB: Racial Observer)
Author’s Note: I first used the reference to the March 10, 1920 issue of the Völkischer Beobachter in creating the character, Isidor Franks. It found its way into the novel on the wall of Ben’s bedroom above his typewriter in the second draft (i.e., the final draft is the eighth draft). Ben used it as motivation to write articles for Isidor. Eventually, I showed Isidor giving Ben the framed article in Chapter One.
Chapter Three
Brenner, Lenni (1983 Revised Edition). Zionism in the Age of Dictators. Lawrence Hill & Co.; Black, Edwin (2001 Edition). The Transfer Agreement. Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc.; Friedländer, Saul (1997). Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume I, The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939. HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.;
Author’s Note: This chapter revolves around the announcement in the anti-Semitic
newspaper, Der Stürmer, of the upcoming, now-famous boycott against Jewish-owned
businesses on April 1, 1933.